Parenting in Peru Versus the USA

Fort Lauderdale as a Gateway to South America

Birkie 2019 Race Report

Kids and Dogs and Travel

What is the Super Bowl Birkie Bridge?

Expats Offended By Complimenting Peru?-Why?

How ‘The Mountain Between Us’ Could Have Been Better

The Clockwork Detective by RA McCandless

In Rudolph, the Misfit Bird Dies

Peru and the Pennsylvania Connection

Cyclists are Pedestrians

Andrew P. Weston Scores Another Hit With ‘Hell Hounds’

Lima Hash Runs: A Drinking Club With a Running Problem

Simultaneous Submission: When You Accidentally Sell the Same Story Twice

Use Video Games to Eliminate Travel Boredom and Work Stress

Can You Turn Black Friday Savings into Profit?

The Sopranos: Brilliant Drama or Trash TV?

Paperclip Audio Book, and Other News

Jean Claude Van Johnson Is The Greatest TV Show Ever

When the Furnace Dies and it’s Twenty Below Zero

Peru Superior to the USA in Language Tolerance

Why You Should Join Audible

Impressive Peruvian Novel ‘Woman of the Old Roads’

Lima Live Entertainment

Review: The MechMen of Canis-9 by Joe Bonadonna

Are Selfie Sticks Banned at Machu Picchu?

Ok Amazon Prime Movies: Shot Caller

In Rudolph, the Misfit Bird Dies