Posts in category

Movie Reviews

Jean Claude Van Johnson Is The Greatest TV Show Ever

How ‘The Mountain Between Us’ Could Have Been Better

Movie Review: The BFG

Avoid Peru’s Extreme Digital Cinema

Watership Down: A Nature Adventure or Heroic Fantasy?

Who Is Sicario 2 For?

Ok Amazon Prime Movies: Shot Caller

The Greatest Showman Is Much Better than The Last Jedi

The Existential Horror of Assigned Movie Seats

Amazon’s ‘Sneaky Pete’ Has Echoes of ‘Breaking Bad’

Disney Didn’t Earn the Right To Kill Star Wars Characters

Atomic Blonde And the Simulated Long Take

Suicide Squad: DC Surpasses Marvel Yet Again

Solo Bombed Because of Last Jedi

Star Wars Rogue One Review

The Sopranos: Brilliant Drama or Trash TV?

Disney Can Take a Lesson from Blade Runner 2049

Even With Jesse Eisenberg, American Ultra is Watchable

Ok Amazon Prime Movies: Shot Caller

Watership Down: A Nature Adventure or Heroic Fantasy?

Amazon’s ‘Sneaky Pete’ Has Echoes of ‘Breaking Bad’

Star Wars Rogue One Review

Suicide Squad: DC Surpasses Marvel Yet Again

Movie Review: The BFG