Hello dear Streets of Lima readers! I hope you’ve all had a wonderful holiday season! I see that I’ve been neglecting you terribly, but hopefully that is going to change in the next few months. 2014 was a great year, although I wasn’t able to go visit my dear Lima last summer. All signs point to a visit to the land of the Incas this July/August, so for those of you who are my friends residing in Lima, make sure you cool off some beer for me (if you just bring it down to room temperature, that would be good enough).
The most exciting announcement for the near future is that Perseid has agreed to publish my travel memoir about Peru. That should be available in a month or two. Those of you who are interested in receiving a free review copy need only write me at: walterrhein@gmail.com, and I’ll get one in the mail (virtual or snail) as soon as the book is ready to go. Perseid is owned by Janet Morris of Thieves’ World fame and it has been a joy working with her as an editor. Like any editor, she digs into you, but what makes me appreciate her is that her comments are valid and valuable. I’ve been writing long enough to know that there are no shortage of blowhards out there (many with expensive degrees) who can’t tell a semicolon from a comma, but they’ll lecture you for hours about all kinds of nonsense that never yields any kind of productivity. Janet Morris knows her business, and when she speaks, I take notes (I can probably count on my hand how many people I have such respect for…I probably only need a finger or two actually).

The picture on the right is from last summer when I was invited to introduce Chris and Janet Morris for a speech they gave at the Library of Congress. There’s a chance I might be a featured speaker there later this year, I’ll announce it if that happens. It would be fun to meet some of my readers who live in the DC area.
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