Happy New Year Fans of Peru!

The Metropolitano in Lima

Movie Review: The BFG

You Have the Right to Speak Spanish in the USA

Cusco Hotel Review: Apu Huascaran Hostal

Cusco Hotel Review: Antigua Casona San Blas

Two Months After Release—Tom Barczak’s Mouth of the Dragon.

Is Machu Picchu Kid Friendly?

Watership Down: A Nature Adventure or Heroic Fantasy?

Is It True Kids Don’t Pay to Enter Machu Picchu?

Book Review: The Sisters by Janet Kay

Walter Rhein & Dan Woll Chippewa Library Book Presentation

Machu Picchu GoPro Shooting

How Cooking Can Relieve Your Covid-19 Stress

Review: Hostal Pacha Kusi in Ollantaytambo

How To Buy Machu Picchu Tickets

Photo Tour of Lima

Running the Inca Trail With Two Olympians

Review: Five Weeks in the Amazon

Peru is in my Future

Book Review: Truck Stop Earth by Michael A. Armstrong

‘This is Only a Test’ by BJ Hollars

What You Need to Know to Drive in Peru

Sacred Valley Adventure Itinerary

Hotel Samanapaq in Ollantaytambo

Cusco Hotel Review: Antigua Casona San Blas

Cusco Hotel Review: Apu Huascaran Hostal

Is Star Peru Safe?

For The Best Roast Guinea Pig, Try Lamay

Is Machu Picchu Kid Friendly?

Suicide Squad: DC Surpasses Marvel Yet Again

10 Days in Peru: A Machu Picchu Itinerary from an Expert

Movie Review: The BFG

The Worst Hotel From Our Trip: Wayras Plaza

Book Review: Truck Stop Earth by Michael A. Armstrong

Review: Hostal Pacha Kusi in Ollantaytambo

Review: Five Weeks in the Amazon