Media archive


RIP Calle de las Pizzas (Lima’s “Pizza Street”)

Green Living to Preserve Our Cultural Heritage

Who Is Sicario 2 For?

Trade Show Salesmanship

What is the Super Bowl Birkie Bridge?

Book Review: Russian Gold by Holly Bargo

Impressive Peruvian Novel ‘Woman of the Old Roads’

The Sopranos: Brilliant Drama or Trash TV?

Expats Offended By Complimenting Peru?-Why?

Kids and Dogs and Travel

The Literate Thief by Walter Rhein Available Now!

Cyclists are Pedestrians

Welcome to Miraflores, Now Get Out of Here

Birkie 2020 Recap: Tales from Wave 5

Review: The MechMen of Canis-9 by Joe Bonadonna

Navigate the Pandemic with a Sound Financial Strategy

Make Money At Home With Medium

Birkie 2019 Race Report

Arthurian Must Read: Sean Poage’s ‘The Retreat to Avalon’

You’ve Never Read Roald Dahl’s Best Book

2018 Person of the Year: The Millennials

Disney Can Take a Lesson from Blade Runner 2049

Johnny Rockett and the Beautiful Six

Hiking Machu Picchu

How Cooking Can Relieve Your Covid-19 Stress

In Rudolph, the Misfit Bird Dies

Lima, Peru Author’s Latest Release–Bone Gap Road

Pizza St. Poker With Canadian Bacon and The Kid