Media archive


Gringo Taxis, The Service Designed with You in Mind

Lima, Peru Author’s Latest Release–Bone Gap Road

Review: The MechMen of Canis-9 by Joe Bonadonna

Steps Before Making The Big Move To Lima

Disrespecting Millennials is Disrespecting the Active Duty Military

Trade Show Salesmanship

Live in Lima and Work in the USA

Machu Picchu as a Sober Travel Destination

Navigate the Pandemic with a Sound Financial Strategy

How ‘The Mountain Between Us’ Could Have Been Better

Navigating Financial Difficulties

In Rudolph, the Misfit Bird Dies

A Car Budget Is the Foundation of a Smart Financial Plan

‘The Literate Thief’ Cover Reveal

What Are Lima’s Best Secret Attractions?

Birkie 2020 Recap: Tales from Wave 5

Writing for Medium

Cyclists are Pedestrians

Fort Lauderdale as a Gateway to South America

Johnny Rockett and the Beautiful Six

What is the Super Bowl Birkie Bridge?

Are Llama Attacks Common at Machu Picchu?

Book Review: The Sisters by Janet Kay

Make Money At Home With Medium

Seek Medical Treatment Abroad

In Rudolph, the Misfit Bird Dies

Lima, Peru Author’s Latest Release–Bone Gap Road

Pizza St. Poker With Canadian Bacon and The Kid